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There are plenty of opportunities to get involved at St. Stephen's Lutheran Church, whether it's through our ministries or serving the community. Learn more about how your specific gifts can help serve our mission.



The goal of our music ministry is to provide good, balanced earfood for all who come to encounter Christ. The specific music ministry at St. Stephen Lutheran Church is composed by our Director of Music, Michael Wyatt in coordination with our Worship & Music Committee. Please email Michael if you wish to get involved in our Music Ministry.


Children of all ages are welcome to Sunday school held right after worship, around 10:30 AM, from September through May. Sunday school is an engaging way to learn about the Bible stories that we hear in our church service.


We offer a two-year learning process for confirmation. Confirmation is a time when teenagers learn about what it means to be Christian and become voting members of the congregation. It is not too late to join our confirmation class. Email Pastor Joe for more details.


We have a vibrant youth group for people in middle school and high school. Activities include service projects, game nights, and retreats.

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St. Stephen's supports the Greater Woodbury Cooperative Ministries food pantry. 

Items Needed:

Pancake Mix (complete), Syrup, Grape Jelly, Loaves of Bread, Cereals, Pastas, Spaghetti/Pasta Sauce,

Toilet Paper, Mac & Cheese, Canned Fruits and Vegetables, Hearty Soups, Canned Tuna, Tea Bags, Coffee, Laundry Detergent (liquid)



Our worship leaders are an intregral and important part of our ministry at St. Stephen's. Please contact Pastor Joe if you are interested in assisting with one of the following roles:


  • Reader

  • Assisting Minister

  • Altar Guild

  • Live Stream

  • Greeter/Usher

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Learn about God’s Word and make some new friends at our twice-weekly Bible Study. Each Bible study corresponds with our Sunday’s readings. Wednesday Bible studies at 7PM look forward to the coming Sunday, while Monday afternoon Bible studies at 1PM review what we talked about in church. Bible studies typically involve conversation, text study, discussion, and prayer.




The Worship, Music & Arts Committee oversees the planning of worship services.


  • Providing input regarding hymns, liturgies, materials, seasonal observances and special celebrations

  • Overseeing worship leaders

  • Providing for musicians, choir members, musical instruments and resources

  • Providing for furnishings and supplies used in worship

  • Helping to provide worship education


The Christian Education and Youth Committee provides opportunities for children and adults to grow in their Christian faith.


• Providing input on programs such as Sunday School, Bible Study, Confirmation, etc.

• Ordering and maintaining all educational supplies and curriculum

• Planning various youth activities that encourage a safe and fun environment for teens to meet and grow in their faith

• Recruiting and training volunteers to help teach Sunday School and chaperone events



The Social & Evangelical Outreach Ministry's purpose is to provide physical, emotional & spiritual needs to those Jesus has taught us to care for.



  • Planning and coordinating fundraiser and donation drives to benefit organizations and communities in need

  • Spreading the word to our community about who we are and what we do at St. Stephen’s

  • Making all guests feel welcome


The Fellowship Committee is responsible for nurturing the congregation through meaningful experiences and activities.


• Promoting a Christian & friendly spirit among congregation and friends of the congregation

• Planning and coordinating details for church social events, including things like game nights, bus trips, sports outings, etc.

• Coordinating volunteers to organize coffee hour every Sunday after worship



The Finance committee oversees the church’s financial health and direction.


• Preparing annual budget

• Receipt and disbursement of funds

• Recording and reporting of member giving

• Assisting with bi-annual audit

• Monitoring the financial health of the congregation


The Property Committee is responsible for care and upkeep of church building.


• Overseeing and maintaining church property

• Overseeing and maintaining landscaping

• Organizing and coordinating volunteers for property clean up days

• Identifing when facility updates are needed



The Stewardship Ministry supports the congregation in their discipleship through encouraging use of the gifts God has given to us.


• Talking to members about generosity and the various ways in which we can offer our time, talents and finances that God has blessed us with

• Inviting members to grow in their relationship with God

• Reaching out to those who are not able to attend worship service and assisting in their spiritual needs


The Future Church Committee utilizes survey data to implement a strategic plan for who we want to be now and in the future.


• Utilizing the “Congregation Assessment Tool” to determine the vitality of our church right now

• Planning church-wide forums to guide the formation of 5 year strategic plan

• Overseeing church council and congregation as they implement the 5 year strategic plan

• Reporting on the plan’s progress


St. Stephen's Lutheran Church



230 N. Evergreen Avenue

Woodbury, NJ 08096

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